What We Do

What We Do

KJF will address the fundamental challenges that this population will face immediately upon exiting foster care:

Through our digital channels and events, we provide a platform for youth aging out of foster care, and those that support them, to share their stories in an effort to increase awareness and understanding of what is needed to improve their outcomes into adulthood.
Through our fundraising efforts, we provide financial support to youth aging out of foster care in the form of grants and scholarships.
Through our communications and outreach efforts, we provide a platform for advocacy of the challenges facing youth transitioning out of the system.
Coming soon: Through our network and programming efforts, we seek to help connect foster youth aging out to essential resources that support young adulthood.

Our Call to Action

Upon leaving the foster care system, youth that are aging out are essentially left on their own to survive in adulthood. These youth often find themselves engaged in criminal activity, drugs, unwanted pregnancies, homelessness, and a variety of mentally, socially, and emotionally traumatic circumstances and crisis.
Our call to action is to raise visibility to this crisis for a population of young people who are too often lost, forgotten, and abandoned. By amplifying their voices of their lived experiences, we are dedicated to bringing resources and advocacy to improving their outcomes and transitions into adulthood.

While KJF Programming is still under development, we welcome your ideas, thoughts, and partnership. Reach out to us at XXX to explore more about how we may partner with your efforts to support foster youth.